Cat Adoption Application

Open your home to a cat in need

Please take a moment to read this before filling out the application.

The Avery Foundation is pleased that you are interested in adopting through our organization! In order to ensure that our animals are being placed in a safe and loving home, we have created a very detailed application and rigorous adoption process. We have created this application to get to know you and to understand what kind of cat you are searching for, so we ask that you answer each question to the best of your ability and as honestly as possible.

Adopting an animal is a very big decision and a responsibility that can last over 10-15 years. We want to ensure that you are certain about adoption and that you are ready to take care of your new pet for as long as is required. We also want to ensure that the animal is being adopted into a home that suits their personality and will not be re-homed or abandoned in the future. Every question we ask and each step in the adoption process is crucial to ensuring our rescues find their ideal homes. We appreciate your understanding and respect for this.

You will find other important information on adopting on the Adoption Fees,  Adoption Process, and Adoption FAQ pages.

Thank you!